Wanna get updates on camp locations and other Catching Guy information?


Todd Coburn, A.K.A – “The Catching Guy” started conducting camps and clinics for a living in 2000, held his first “catcher only” event in Northern Nevada back in 2006 and now he conducts events around the country.

Coach Todd is one of the most sought after catching coaches in the world who is known for not only his passion for the position, but also his passion for teaching the position. He is a lifetime catcher who loves spreading the knowledge to anyone who wants to listen and learn.

Click on the event schedule to find a location near you!


“We really valued your life talks and we started to refer to them in our house as “Todd Talks” instead of “Ted Talks”. The wisdom you imparted to the boys was incredibly valuable and continues to be, especially when a lot of what you share reiterates what we as parents have been saying, but from an entirely unique perspective. Hearing these life lessons from you, drove it home. Thank you!”

The Bowlan’s, Parents

“I wanted to take a minute to send you a thank you. My son Garrett attended your winter camp in South Florida in December. I truly believe what he learned from you has helped him take his game to the next level. He has cemented himself as THE catcher for his team! Of course I’m very proud of his progress, but what makes me happier than anything else is that he is proud of himself.

He always had the fundamentals to make it happen, he was just missing “the edge.” With your program I definitely feel that he found the mental tools he was missing. Thank you for all that you do.”

Nick, Happy Dad

“My son and I have been begging for instruction of this type for quite some time. We can not express our gratitude for the time he was able to spend with you and your staff at camp. It will prove to be invaluable to his growth as a player and even more importantly as a person. I was able to remember the stuff you taught so that I could take it back to my team. You have a special knack for simplifying the position! Thank you!”

Coach Steve, Coach & Parent


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If you always do
what you´ve always done,
you´ll always have what
you´ve always had!