
Aug 12 2020


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



Virtual Clinic (Live)

Join me beginning on Saturday, August 8th at 9:00am PST or Wednesday August 12th at 3:00pm PST.   You have two different days to choose from for your convenience or, if you’d like, attend both!  We will have an hour-long classroom session as well as a 30 minute LIVE Q&A session at the end.

This $20 clinic will be on Facebook and will cover the most important keys to pitch calling and setting up hitters.

This clinic will help parents, coaches and catchers:

  • Who don’t know where to start with the pitch calling,
  • Who aren’t sure what the best pitch to call is in certain game situations,
  • Who are confused on what to throw to certain hitters and in certain pitch counts.

I will provide simple worksheets for notes and give a detailed discussion on pitch calling.

You will learn:

  • What it means to “pitch by the book,”
  • What it means to “pitch backward,”
  • What the factors help determine what pitch to call,
  • What it means to double up on pitches and when to do it.

You will receive:

  • Downloadable worksheets
  • Video instructions
  • And a Live Q & A period to get answers your specific questions.

How you will get it:

  • The clinic will be conducted in a Private Facebook Pop Up Group that I will provide you a link to join.
  • You’ll get the details via email.
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